The Town of Warwick Republican Committee overwhelmingly nominated Greenwood Lake Mayor Jesse Dwyer as their party’s candidate for Town Supervisor at Wednesday night’s endorsement meeting.
Candidates for Supervisor were interviewed before a committee of 61 Republican representatives across the Town of Warwick. The Committee awarded Mayor Dwyer the nomination by a margin of more than two to one.
“I want to emphasize how grateful I am to the Committee for their faith and support,” Dwyer said in a statement following his nomination. “I’m ready and eager to go to work on an honest, hard-fought campaign and to make my case to the people of Warwick.”
Dwyer comes to the campaign for Supervisor after 12 years of elected office in Greenwood Lake, 10 of them as Mayor. In that time, he has worked with the Village Board of Trustees to build a solid record of achievement, including:
- reducing the Village’s operating debt by 90%,
- turning the drinking water fund deficit into a surplus,
- securing nearly $5 million in grants for at least a dozen Village sectors,
- inaugurating three new public parks,
- making the local lake the cleanest it has been in recent history,
- all while keeping taxes in check, expanding Village services and investing in critical infrastructure.
A resident of Greenwood Lake for most of his life, Mayor Dwyer is president and CEO of local small business Medical Billing Solutions and works simultaneously as a partner in Red Pillar Consulting, LLC, also based in Warwick. He and his wife Colleen are raising their two children, Emma and Joseph, who attend local schools. A member of the Greenwood Lake Volunteer Ambulance Corps (2020 Corpsman of the Year), Dwyer contributes his time to numerous local organizations, including the Greenwood Lake Elks Lodge and Gaelic Society. He also volunteers as a coach for Warwick Flag Football and Greenwood Lake Little League, and also serves as a den co-leader for the Greenwood Lake Cub Scouts.
“I have enormous shoes to fill as Mike Sweeton begins his well-earned retirement at the end of the year, but it’s a challenge I welcome. The people of Greenwood Lake have honored me as their Mayor for 10 strong years, and I look forward to continuing to serve them as part of greater Warwick in the Supervisor’s office. Let’s roll up our sleeves and get started.”
Dwyer is nominated to head the local ticket with Councilman Russ Kowal and Tom Mattingly for Town Council, Karen Amundson for Town Judge and Receiver of Taxes Ana Kanz to complete her term. The general election for Town Supervisor and other Warwick offices is scheduled to take place on November 7.